Why Do I Even Try??!?

Just got from messenger where the person that asked me to find the artist for her project, calls me a "liar", a "crook" and a "cheater". Then when I get a bit defensive and ask where and how I lied (she said that I told her I 'owned' SuperheroineCentral ... wtf?!?), she goes off on me about attitude.
She then backed and said I "sorta lied". Okay, most people who know me know that I put alot of stock in my word, especially where my website is concerned. I am known as being a pretty honorable guy, and I did not get that way with 10 years of experience under my belt by "sorta lying". You either lie, or you don't. I don't go for "spin" like politicians and (sorry Star... no offense here) lawyers do. I tell you I will help, and I will. I am NOT responsible for what other people say or do.
Geez, I am so frickin' upset right now!! I really shouldn't be, but she called me the ONE thing that I find more insulting then anything else. Being called a liar is probably the worse thing you can say to me. Now, I am not talking about saying something by mistake, or by error, cause I do that .. all the time. But, as many of you know, I do admit when I am mistaken or wrong. But, to be intentionally deceitful, in a manner to profit myself (yes hon, your hair looks great! not included! lol), is .. just... mind-boggling!!
What kind of person insults a person that they ask to help them... and that has made actual progress (ie .. not say you will and then blow it off)... and doing that for free! For a person that I don't know!?? And then have the frickin' gall to call ME a "cheat" and a "crook"!!?
Take a breath... breath... count backwards....
I deal with alot of people everyday. A wide variety of people. Some are nice, and some are polite and some are jerks and some are nuts. I will admit that not everyone likes me, that I am an asshole (quite often) but I like to think that I have the respect of the people in this community that I am a part of because of all the work that I HAVE done for others, be they artists or fans.
But, to be called a LIAR ... a CHEAT... a CROOK???!!!
((*sighs again and looks for a qualude or 20*))
(Originally posted April 27th, 2007 on Yahoo 360)
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