And, ... I'm Pregnant!

I am really getting tired of hearing this.
Now, don't get me wrong. There is a time and a place for everything, including statements. But can ANYONE tell me how being pregnant has anything to do with a television being stolen from a house while the person is gone?? It's not like the woman was raped by the burglar, who impregnated her as a sort of trade for the television! Or, that the woman, stressed out because she will miss her soaps while awaiting her next welfare check suddenly has contractions, breaks her water, and is now moments away from giving birth.
No, simply put, these people expect special treatment because they are pregnant.
Can anyone explain to me why I should pull resourses away from an elderly female that has been assaulted to go instead to a 'cold' call where the victim is inconvienced only, but because she didn't tell her boyfriend "no" 6 months ago, she is suddenly more important then 80% of the rest of the population??
Of course, society is to blame for this, in the growing trend of putting more importance towards "little people" (not talking about the TRUE little people, either) then to actual people. Grandfathers who have given blood in the battle fields of valor on foreign soils are too often cast aside as so much flotsam, yet a fetus, even as it is discarded, is seen as sancrosant and sacred, and untouchable for those cells that may cure any number of diseases that is crippling our nation finacially (if you don't think so, why do you think your insurance premiums are skyrocketing?).
Let these children grow and prove themselves before we claim them "our greatest treasures" and worth more then those teachers and doctors and nurses and firemen and soldiers and ___fill in blank here__ that have proven themselves time and again thier own importance to our lives. Children are NOT automatically saints, they lie and steal and hit and bite and are more cruel to each other then most parents will dream of admiting. They are learning the lessons of life, they are growing up. They are not ALREADY grown up, though just smaller, like many people seem to credit.
Prove yourself. Be honest with who and what you are. Do not think that you are more important then someone else just because of biology, be it because of the type of chromosomes that you have (xx or xy), the color of your skin, your age, or your carrying or have carried children.
To me, my elderly mother has proven herself and is far more important to me then a 17 year old welfare mother who is pregnant with her 3rd child or that 3 year old snotnosed kid that just ruined your trip to the movies, or that 8 year old that just stole a bike.
Grrrrr... sorry... had to vent!(Originally posted September 07, 2006 on Yahoo 360)
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