Adventure 400 - The one that started it all for me!
Wow... way back in 1972, Adventure 400 was the comic book that slammed dunked this (at the time) 11 year old boy into the realm of superheroines in distress. It turned me on (literally) to Supergirl AND bondage! And, nothing EVER has been able to rip that part of me from my soul!!
Looking at it in hindsight, the art really isn't that great, and the rope work was quite sloppy at best, but yet there was something remarkable about the comic. Was it the number of pages and panels she went tied up? The way she was made helpless (as stated on a number of occasions - so I thusly love that 'word' too, btw) in a couple of different ways? Or maybe the way she was knocked out and unconscious a couple of times? Or perhaps it was that she was zapped with magic and then sprawled out and held with magic in a very provocative legs apart pose??
Of course, there is the HUGE gaff with gold kryptonite, but at 11 years, a kid doesn't CARE about that!! He cares that the most powerful superheroine in the WORLD was made HELPLESS and looked so DAMN HOT being that way!!!
Well, that's a little Wizardly History for you all.
Indeed it is a great cover. I understand ...