Super Ashley Rene

Ashley Rene is a fantastic sexy super heroine!! And, looks even SEXIER when captured and helpless!!! Yummmmmmmm!!!
So, let us try this again with adding a new photo album for Ashley Rene here. . The photo settings of this 360 is extremely confusing and frustrating! I had this album up before, but Yahoo being yahoo... well first they did not like me sharing naughty pictures with my friends. And then after 'adjusting' my blogs on several occassions for being too "mature", they also made some adjustments to my albums so that I was the only one that could view them.
Now, there are some things that I will share with the public, while there are other things that I prefer to keep for "The Fellowship of the Mage". After all, there should be some benefit for those people that spend time and energy to make a 360 blog bio! I know that I have spent alot of time doing that, and feel it is only fair that those that want 'freebies' from me, respect me enough to spend a few minutes to do the same. After all, if you cannot take 5 minute to fill out the mininim, why should I take more then 3 seconds to deny and reject any 360 invite from you?
Well, anyway... back to the photo album. I am SURE that Yahoo is going to slam down on this album ... again, and it will be locked out again from everyone but me. But, I want to share this with you all. Is there anyone there that can tell me how to go about uploading these images and applying the 18 yrs and friends only view settings that won't default to where only I can view the images?? I think part of the problem is that there are two pages of photo settings, and there is obviously a failure of interaction between those two pages of settings.
So, until Yahoo gives these a big yank.... enjoy the delicious distress of Ashley Rene!
And, do not bother to ask me to join my 360 circle if you cannot even get a minimal bio and avatar!!
Oh!! Also, I **HATE** that the images are shown soooo much smaller then the images truely are, that are uploaded into the system. BUT, I *believe* that if you right click on the image and save as... " " then the images will be saved true size and can be viewed that way when you open them with your own image viewer.
I hope!
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