Terminator Retiring

Terminator Retiring!
Terminator has advised me that he will no longer be doing manipulations of superheroines for the Lair. This is, of course, terrible news!
However, it is going to be great news for those that enjoy seeing manips of celebrities in bondage, because that is now the direction that he is going, and is looking for a place to put his new "Celebrity Dungeon". The only person that I could think of that does similar work is Mach9, but I know that there are a lot more people and places out there that lean in this direction. Perhaps someone out there can point me in the right direction? After all the years that he has been with me (5 years!) I can only wish him the best of luck and help him out in any way that I can, after all that he has done for me, The Lair, and the community at large.
I will be keeping his galleries up HERE, so that if he ever wants to send something in, there will be a place to put them! He is recognized as one of the BEST photomanipulators in the field, and I am glad that he will continue to keep his hand in that particular cookie jar.
I am sad to see him go.
The best of luck, my friend!
(Originally posted on Yahoo 360 June 27th, 2006)
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