Think... Peaceful... Thoughts...

Okay... first, I want to thank those that have written to me to ask me how my health is. That is very kind and thoughtful of you all. I really do appreciate your concern. Thank you :)
Now then, PLEASE be aware that I DO have a life outside the Wizard's Lair!! I have a family and a girlfriend and a job, that mean just as much to me, and even more so, then making sure that the Lair is full of fresh and new things on a weekly basis. Indeed, if you read my FAQ section, the first thing you will see is that I shoot for a MONTHLY update.
That said, we at the Lair do update more often, especially now that I have the help of the very lovely and gracious Scarlet Witch! But please do be aware that she also has her own life outside of the Lair and that her own updates are as chaotic as mine. Though with both of us posting up together, we have been averaging an update every week or so, which is much more then most pay sites! And when you consider that the updates are much larger then what those that charge money give you, and that we actually keep items up once posted (with the exception of those items we had to remove to comply with the 2257 legislation, but that is another issue), people should be grateful for what we DO give.
But, that doesn't seem the case, as some people do get impatient, and the only time that they DO write is to complain about something. People have to realize that most of the time, the writers and artists and contributors do not get ANY feedback from anyone! And, when they do, it is usually the "why haven't you done this?" or "Give me that!" or "Do you have any images that are not posted that you can give me personally?" and the like. Most people here in our community are decent folks, though quiet and are primarily 'lurkers'. However, we do run up against those few selfish and greedy jerks, who always complain and demand, that really make us want to throw up our hands and give up on all of this (one of the reasons I 'retired' a couple years ago - Don't fret, not thinking of it now at this time).
So, in conclusion, please be patient. Right now my personal schedule is a bit hectic of late but things should settle back down to normal in a month or two. Until then, the Lair will be updated, though just not as often as many of you would prefer.
Oh... there is a bit of good news there, however! When the next update pops up, it will be a BIG ONE!!!
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