Secure in one's Sexuality

Before anyone jumps on me as being anti-gay, let me say that my brother was gay (no, he didn't change... he died of AIDS), I have a number of friends that are gay, I have worked with gays and have no personal issues with them in regards to their sexuality. I know that people have no choice in such matters. It is not like they picked up a book about gays and lesbians and said "Ah ha! This is exactly what I want to be!".
In any case, this is not a blog about gays and lesbians, as much as it is about heterosexuals and their reaction to lesbians.
The other day I was at when I came across yet another entry for a video of two lesbians kissing. Such a thing doesn't do a thing for me, and indeed, I am kinda tired of such things being thrown at me all the time, either from within magazines, or on television, or in the movies... well, you get the point.
Anyway, I was curious about that particular posting, not for the imagery of the video of the two rather hot and attractive women in the lip lock, but of the comments posted about it. Wondering if there is anything said that would explain why heterosexuals, and guys in particular find such things so appealing.
Well, I came to a couple posts where the people were much like me, in that they did not find it attractive, saying that such things did not turn them on. They did not insult the poster or the imagery or the situation, just stated that they were not aroused by it, as some posters commented on. Well, the person that said such was called a "fag" and "gay" and other types of insults (gay not being an insult by itself, but it was certainly used in an insulting manner) for stating their opinion.
Now, this made me wonder, are those guys that insulted the other guys about not finding the lesbians in a PDA idiots?? I mean, I am straight. I am definitely a heterosexual red-blooded male. However, it doesn't do a thing to me to see lesbians groping each other in public (or in private for that matter). There was a time, I must admit, when I did find such things interesting and intriguing, but that is only because it was rare and unusual (back in the 80's). But now I have been over-exposed to such imagery, in images and in stories (such as all the lesbian Catwoman vs Batgirl stories that are just so un-creative and un-original) that it's tiring. Do those other guys that stated that they were not aroused by such things at the posting feel the same way? Were they over-exposed? Or, do they find it just unappealing, the same way that not everyone finds broccoli appealing, or fruit salad, or chicken? Some people like blondes, others redheads, but they are never called names and insulted by those that prefer brunettes (are they??).
So, why do some guys call other guys "fags" for not enjoying images of gay/lesbian sex?? Would not those that enjoy such imagery be "gay" themselves, since they are aroused by gay/lesbian sexual themes and imagery?? Why exactly do guys find the concept of two (or more) lesbians going at each other sexually appealing? It sure isn't because THEY are going to get any of that action. Why not? Well, duuuhhhhhh... they are LESBIANS!! They are only attracted to females. Of course, one can use the "human's are bi-sexual animals", but I am not sure that I buy that. Sure, much of it depends upon the time and the social climate that we find ourselves in, but to me, in the end, it comes down to personal tastes and choices, which are always dependant upon the individual.
So, these guys that are always chasing after lesbians, because they are "hot", are they going to last long? Are they going to pass their genes into the pool of humanity? I kinda doubt it, unless there is some sort of surrogate issue with test-tube fertilization. But that is not all that common and, I would assume, fairly expensive. Certainly not done in the numbers that there are of the "straight guys" who want to bang "lesbian gals". The only way they may spread their genes in such cases is if those two lesbian lovers want to have children, and need a male to donate his sperm (since, let's face it, there is and can be no genetic progeny from the loins of any gay/lesbian couple). So, in that regards, I see that those guys that see lesbian sex as erotic and arousing are stupid. They will (hopefully) be a genetic dead end, because, in the end, their seed will be spilled from their masturbation to such images, and not within the womb of a heterosexual female, who they apparently find unappealing because they (the straight women) are sexually attracted to the male of the species, who will be hopefully attracted to them (the straight female) and thus the heterosexual couple will come together in sexual union to have a child and thus spread their genetic traits, of which would also be the trait of being stimulated by the opposite sex who will be receptive to the opposite sex, instead of only receptive to those of the same sex.
Who knows? Maybe I am reading too much into all this, and am completely off on the wrong track. After all, scientists and sociologists have been exploring these questions for centuries, and still no one knows for sure why a person is the way they are. Nature or nurture, or a combination of both? To what degree and in what regards? Well, that is something for future discussions, I am sure. Suffice it to say, that I believe that such guys that call other guys insulting names for being honest about what they find to be appealing are total frickin' morons. And, I sure hope that they continue to chase after lesbians to spread their seed, since I know that they will not have children with low IQs, like their own parents did. We need smarter people in this world, people who understand and recognize that not everyone will see things the same way that they do, and that while you may not agree with everyone's viewpoints and opinions, you should still try to understand them and respect them.
(Originally posted November 19th, 2007 on Yahoo 360)
As a lesbian with no intention of having kids ever (otherwise I'd be hetero) I can say I'm completely and utterly confused by the activities of some of guy-things out there.
ReplyDeleteAs a hetero, I am ALSO completely and utterly confused by some of the "guy-things" out there, as well! lol