Jack's Mirror

I am not one that watches much episodic television, especially on network television. I don ’ t watch Lost, or any of those competition “ reality ” shows, or mystery or suspense fictional shows, such as 24. However, there are quite a few people that are big fans of 24, especially people in the upper echelons of the government, who see this fictional show as a great way to promote and prove national policies , especially during the previous administration. What I am speaking of is the hard on that the right has for torture. Back when I was in college, and majoring in the liberal ar ts (ah ha!), I learned that the entertainment industry (movies, plays, TV , etc) are primarily a reflection of society. We look into the little silver boob tube and see ourselves, though through the lens of the writer/director, to let us see things as they want to show us. However, with the current on-goings about our policies on “ enhanced interrogation ” techniques, (which are, let ’ s...