Welcome Back Mister Kotter

Wow, it has been a LONG time since I did anything here.

So, after retiring from being the webmaster at The Wizard's Lair, I still continued on with my IRL, which has, as some of you have already discovered, drastically changed of late, as I have just retired from my 911 emergency telecommunicator career after 27 years. I would of liked to made it to 30 years to collect my full pension, but it came down to live on partial pension or die and have not a penny from a complete pension.

The choice was ... not as painfully obvious as I would have liked! 😶

One huge reason why I have not posted here of late is that I actually approved of the past Obama administration (unlike all the political angst that I professed here under the Bush administration), and have had no reason to vent out my socio-political frustrations. But now ... NOW...  🍄 (I couldn't find a mushroom cloud on this.... )

Yes, I am an American. Sometimes that is not always readily apparent to people here on the internet, where we are all pretty much anonymous at best, and complete fabrications at worst. In any case, my country really had no bearing on what I did here on the internet as Vladi the Wizard, with the Wizard's Lair, and with my thoughts and feelings for this community as a whole. Indeed, I am more a citizen of the superheroines-in-distress (SHID) community than I am of my own actual neighborhood.

Anyway, now I have TONS of free time on my hands and I am looking for things to do, especially socially and politically. One thing I know that I can do, is "impart my wisdom" (or better yet 'wizdom'), and for that, Blogger is a much better platform than DeviantArt (especially of late with all the issues that we have been having there with DA TOS "violations"), especially (again) in regards to political issues, which I feel have no real place there on an art platform.

I really had no intention of starting this blog post, but here I am ....

So, a few things to be aware of before we get too far, so that you can leave this post, and this whole blog if you so care to, and not have me waste any more of your time.

I HATE Donald John Trump! He is the WORSE thing that has ever happened to this PLANET since he was elected to the presidency of the United States by the obsolete and completely unnecessary Electoral College. This administration is inept at best, and treasonous at worse (and I usually put the top of the administration in this camp). They are destroying our Constitution and our international standing (except with Russia ... our sponsors). And, while I am a wizard, I still respect and live under science and it's principles. Facts is the truth. There are no "alternate facts". That is just another term for a LIE. And, Trump is a LIAR, pathologically so (especially if he says "believe me")!  He is a supreme narcissist whose only concern is HIMSELF. He has been known to toss his own family members under the proverbial bus to try to make himself look better, and people want to say that he has the COUNTRY'S best interest at heart?

Simply put, no.

Thus, we come to why we are here again. My goal is to assist in DESTROYING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Completely and utterly, and sending them to the trash heap of history. The Republicans, since the time of Reagan have slowly and continually coalesced their ideological platforms further and further to the right, so that today, even the most right-wing of the Republicans in 1980 would be accused of being a centrist-liberal by the party today. Indeed, it is commonly said that Saint Ronnie would not even be nominated to ANY Republican office if he was to run today. The party has grown to be more about giving to the 1% as much power as they could, to the growing despair of the rest of the people, increasing the economical differences between those that have and have not exponentially. Just look at their single achievement since Trump became president, the tax "reform" bill. Yes, that is putting it lightly. 1.5 trillion dollar pay out to the 1%ers and their corporations.

How the Republican party ever fooled the American public to believe that they were the fiscally responsible party is simply amazing. To convince huge swaths of the American electorate to vote AGAINST their own self interests time and time and time again, shows how great the Republican political machine is. The right has always been very good at coming together on message, something that the liberals never have been able to do effectively. But, when you look at the numbers, Democratic administrations have always ... ALWAYS ... been economically better for the nation. But, as long as we have a network that is a dedicated propaganda arm of the Republican party, that has been spreading lies and promoting divisive conspiracies, the nation will only continue to slog down the gutter of moral-less politics that have less to do with ethics and more to do with theft of national interests to financially enrich a few, such as the Trumps, the Kushners, and the many CEOs who have just seen their own portfolios skyrocket (even after the great years that the stock market had under the Obama administration).

The 2018 mid-term elections are coming up soon. I would like to convince all Americans to vote, first off. People sitting on their butts during election day are truly those that gave the election to Trump in 2016. No, we need EVERYONE to vote! My second request, would be that no candidate with a (R) behind their name is elected.... EVER!! Be it dog catcher or mayor or state congressman or senator... only (D) or (I) get the post! Even if the best candidate IS a Republican .. do not VOTE for them, until they change their party affiliation (I would also bet, that if you ask a person to say what they are actually for in policies, they will be much more Democrat than Republican. A prime example of that is how many people were AGAINST Obamacare, but absolutely LOOOOVED the Affordable Health Care Act! Again, power of label messaging).

The Republican party needs to die. Not a slow eventual puttering out, but an immediate excising of this cancer from the country with the scalpels of millions morally and ethically outraged citizens who have had enough of the Oligarchival government that we have been suffering under, and to a government that is FOR THE PEOPLE.

It will be a hard battle. It will take several elections over the country on local, state, and national levels before we will see this happen. But, we can make a sizeable impact! Even today with a number of elections during the Trump administration, the Republican party has been getting a very loud wake up call with the successes of a number of Democrat candidates, who under any other presidential administration, would of only been a local footnote in the regional paper. But, with the evil... let me say that again... But, with the EVIL of the Trump administration finally being recognized for what it is, people are starting to vote their conscience again. 



  1. Sad to say I don't get to vote in the US so I can't help you out. You are right about the Republicans; they don't truly represent anyone who makes less than a few million a year, and the US system of government (once the most democratic and forward thinking on the planet) is in need of serious overhaul after two centuries of institutionalization.


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