Death is the best health care
... at least according to the GOP.
Sadly, this really is nothing new. I am sure that most of you reading this know of someone who either, or had a relative that did, became homeless because of health care costs. The Affordable Health Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, strove to do away with that calamity, as well as place assurances to patients of their own rights and guarantees of service.
The Republicans (The DEATH PARTY) wanted nothing of THAT! So, they got their propaganda arm over at Faux Entertainment (I refuse to call it "news") to push that OBAMACARE was bad and evil and scary... just like that evil black man who is occupying the White House, and millions of Americans (unfortunately) ate it up! Even today, people will bemoan how they are losing their wonderful ACA protections to Obamacare, or that they love the provisions that the ACA provided them (no refusal of service, pre-arriving conditions will be covered, etc) but would still despise "Obamacare".
Again, the GOP has shown their skill at marketing. Is it any surprise that they would be "lead" by the king of all marketers... the man whose ego is larger than the gold letters that 'adorn' many a tall building. A man who campaigned on allowing those ACA protections to stay, but as soon as in office has done little more than try to tear down ANYTHING with Barack Obama's name on it, regardless of the consequences, even to the destruction of the government (though, do remember that such is a goal of Steve Bannon and that branch of the GOP. Why do you think that they are not filling in all those vacant job positions in the government? Not because of any confirmations (most do not need them) or of any push back against the candidates... but that there have been NO candidates for those positions. The Trump administration is intentionally leaving such positions vacant, so that the government doesn't die a traumatic death from without, but slowly from a death of entropy from within.
With my job, I had fairly good medical coverage. Granted, every contract negotiation there was a push to have us pay more in premiums for fewer benefits, but that is to be expected. After retirement, on my partial pension, I could not afford to pay $700+/mos for COBRA, which would only last for 18 months, anyway. Fortunately, I make SO LITTLE, that I am able to get onto the state network where I live and have found 0/0/0 coverage (!! wow !! Thank you OBAMA!!)
So, I KNOW that there are parts of Obamacare that are still functional, though the GOP is trying their best to destroy it ... and replace it with that crap that is now known as Trumpcare (of which he wants his name removed because even he recognizes it is a POS piece of legislation).
But, what of those that are unemployed, or living paycheck to paycheck with no or little health care, what happens to them if they are involved in an accident or have some other major medical situation. How long can you last on the largess of friends or family (who are in pretty much the same situation of preying for smooth sailing on the waters of health) before you are overwhelmed by the bills? Even those with coverage still have to pay percentages of medical costs, and oft times these are enough to cause economic emergencies that have destroyed marriages and families.
Yet the Republican Party, the party of morality and responsibility, is more concerned about the unborn than that actual born. They are for birth, but once that happens... well, you are on your own! Good luck! But, say ... your child would do great in the armed forces!
Sadly, this really is nothing new. I am sure that most of you reading this know of someone who either, or had a relative that did, became homeless because of health care costs. The Affordable Health Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, strove to do away with that calamity, as well as place assurances to patients of their own rights and guarantees of service.
The Republicans (The DEATH PARTY) wanted nothing of THAT! So, they got their propaganda arm over at Faux Entertainment (I refuse to call it "news") to push that OBAMACARE was bad and evil and scary... just like that evil black man who is occupying the White House, and millions of Americans (unfortunately) ate it up! Even today, people will bemoan how they are losing their wonderful ACA protections to Obamacare, or that they love the provisions that the ACA provided them (no refusal of service, pre-arriving conditions will be covered, etc) but would still despise "Obamacare".
Again, the GOP has shown their skill at marketing. Is it any surprise that they would be "lead" by the king of all marketers... the man whose ego is larger than the gold letters that 'adorn' many a tall building. A man who campaigned on allowing those ACA protections to stay, but as soon as in office has done little more than try to tear down ANYTHING with Barack Obama's name on it, regardless of the consequences, even to the destruction of the government (though, do remember that such is a goal of Steve Bannon and that branch of the GOP. Why do you think that they are not filling in all those vacant job positions in the government? Not because of any confirmations (most do not need them) or of any push back against the candidates... but that there have been NO candidates for those positions. The Trump administration is intentionally leaving such positions vacant, so that the government doesn't die a traumatic death from without, but slowly from a death of entropy from within.
With my job, I had fairly good medical coverage. Granted, every contract negotiation there was a push to have us pay more in premiums for fewer benefits, but that is to be expected. After retirement, on my partial pension, I could not afford to pay $700+/mos for COBRA, which would only last for 18 months, anyway. Fortunately, I make SO LITTLE, that I am able to get onto the state network where I live and have found 0/0/0 coverage (!! wow !! Thank you OBAMA!!)
So, I KNOW that there are parts of Obamacare that are still functional, though the GOP is trying their best to destroy it ... and replace it with that crap that is now known as Trumpcare (of which he wants his name removed because even he recognizes it is a POS piece of legislation).
But, what of those that are unemployed, or living paycheck to paycheck with no or little health care, what happens to them if they are involved in an accident or have some other major medical situation. How long can you last on the largess of friends or family (who are in pretty much the same situation of preying for smooth sailing on the waters of health) before you are overwhelmed by the bills? Even those with coverage still have to pay percentages of medical costs, and oft times these are enough to cause economic emergencies that have destroyed marriages and families.
Yet the Republican Party, the party of morality and responsibility, is more concerned about the unborn than that actual born. They are for birth, but once that happens... well, you are on your own! Good luck! But, say ... your child would do great in the armed forces!
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