Wait.. Wha..?? It's only WEDNESDAY???!?

What a week so far!!

Monday, sitting on my bed, with my Ruger 40 in my hand, contemplating if it is better to go for the temple shot or through the mouth shot.

Decided that this was NOT a good idea and contacted my local Sheriff and have them come and pick up my 2 handguns.

1 chief of police, 1 sheriff sergeant and 3 deputies, 3 firemen and 2 paramedics later ....

They thanked me for being considerate and calling them. I thought I would be okay, and convinced them to leave me alone as I would be seeing my mental health doctor the next day, in 24 hours in fact.

Alrighty then! Thank you citizen and have a good day!

So, this really is a carry over of my earlier psychotic break which lead to my early retirement from 911 last October. Well, seems like the medication that they gave me, I have been only using half the normal dosage so, as the MHP counselor said, the drug lost is therapeutic value.

Why yes... yes it did.

Anyway, the next morning, I am considering all the different ways to actually overdose myself with what I actually had on hand. I then texted a friend who I worked with at 911 (actually one of the crisis counselors there as well), and let her know what I was doing. Minutes later I get a call, and she is yapping away ...

Wait a minute! I have played THIS game!! You are keeping me talking until the cops show up!!

Yup, I called it, and the POLICE CHIEF shows up at my door AGAIN!

Yes... I KNOW I now have to go in ....

Anyway, long story short, I am okay and had the medication upped to the "normal" dose. Hopefully that will take care of that, but I will be seeing both the people that the Sheriff took me to (more a crisis mental health facility) as well as my normal mental health psychologist (head of the department of my health care facility), so I think I will be in good hands coming up.

Thankfully I am ... WAS.. a trained professional, with schooling in mental health issues, and was able to recognize that I was suffering from a chemical imbalance and that until I got it handled, I was "in crisis" and needed immediate help.

I wonder how many others, however, don't recognize such things and just think that death is the answer ...

Yes, many times they do warn us on those commercials about how drugs can make one have suicidal thoughts. Absolutely true. Not normally, but when an imbalance occurred, sure did do it to me!

So, if any of YOU have ever had such thoughts ... PLEASE get help!! You are NOT crazy or coo-coo or whatever word you want to use... such things are (97.54% type) of a physical nature, usually a chemical imbalance, which can be fixed.. usually quickly and easily. But only if you do NOT take that dramatic terminal solution to a transitory problem.


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