When did the FBI become the ENEMY?
They want you to think that we live in the world of "Enemy of the State", but instead of some mysterious shadowy organization that is behind the evil, the GOP wants you to think that it is instead the FBI that is that subversive shadowy government that aims to do away with the same American ideals that they protect. Ingenious! Engineous, I telles ya!! I remember growing up with being taught for respect for authority, and there was NO higher lawful authority in the land then the FBI. Hell, in some circles, J Edgar was (maybe still is) worshiped as a god (in the same pantheon with Ronald Reagan and John Wayne, no doubt). Movies and shows and television was filled with square jawed G-men whose only vice was that they were TOO patriotic! This is the mold that many of the right's governmental hero, Jack Bauer, was formed from. These are the men that will do ANYTHING to protect the country! Except... break the law. That is the difference between the FBI of reality and t...