
Showing posts from February, 2018

Still Alive.. Sorta

Though I have to wonder It turned out that the medication I was taking for anxiety, starting past June, has finally run it's course, and I have started to have negative adverse reactions to it. Soooo, I am being weaned off of it. However, that means that my PTSD and depression is no longer being medically tempered and is now turning back into full blown issues, and will be worse before it gets better, as I have to be completely clean of the old psych medicine before I am given anything new. Patience is a virtue... which is VERY hard right now!! 

Voiced Concerns

Zeta Clark, the webmistress of TWL, contacted me this morning to ask how I was doing. This is a REDACTED response to that email. Hi Zeta Thanks for the email to ask. I really appreciate that. Actually, that blog post was during my 2nd physiological break (the 1st in August which led to my 'semi-forced' early retirement from 911 ... PTSD & Depression on top of my "normal" medical issues ... well, it was remain for 3 years to get full pension and DIE ... or retire now to get partial pension and live [which is where I am at] ) which I am still dealing with now. Believe it may be a med reaction to the med that I was started on in June for my Anxiety. (Yeah, I am a bit of a mess... but what can you expect of wizards ?? ) Anyway, the next day after the blog post was a near drug overdose, so I had EMS services out and the Sheriff took me to the mental health place...... Long story short, it seems like I am having a reaction to the Anxiety D...

Wait.. Wha..?? It's only WEDNESDAY???!?

What a week so far!! Monday, sitting on my bed, with my Ruger 40 in my hand, contemplating if it is better to go for the temple shot or through the mouth shot. Decided that this was NOT a good idea and contacted my local Sheriff and have them come and pick up my 2 handguns. 1 chief of police, 1 sheriff sergeant and 3 deputies, 3 firemen and 2 paramedics later .... They thanked me for being considerate and calling them. I thought I would be okay, and convinced them to leave me alone as I would be seeing my mental health doctor the next day, in 24 hours in fact. Alrighty then! Thank you citizen and have a good day! So, this really is a carry over of my earlier psychotic break which lead to my early retirement from 911 last October. Well, seems like the medication that they gave me, I have been only using half the normal dosage so, as the MHP counselor said, the drug lost is therapeutic value. Why yes... yes it did. Anyway, the next morning, I am considering all the differ...